In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.
-John Muir

This last frame is special. It was captured with the Mamiya 645 Pro on Ilford Delta 100 Professional. Self developed in our bathroom sink!
I’ve been waiting to share this shoot since the day it took place. This is the kind of work I wish to do. The evening before, Aneila and I foraged the wildflowers for the bouquet and wreath on some family land near our house. We woke up at 4am and hit the trail by 5:15. As the fog lifted, a magical scene unfolded. #longlivefilm.
click on this mountain panorama for a full-res view!
model: Aneila
bouquet: foraged locally by Aneila
film scans: Indie Film Lab
dress: ModCloth – "Wisp Reminds Me"
"No one realises how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow.” " Lin Yutang
We’ll be back out west February-March 2017, and we’re offering a special wedding discount during this time for California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada and Utah weddings. Spread the word!
spring is here for real