food Personal

mocha cupcakes – valentines day

vsco portra 400 cupcake making on valentines day

For Valentines Day this year my wife and I made cupcakes together…well, my wife made cupcakes, and I helped a little, and made lots of photos of the process. The recipe we used was from My Baking Addiction. It calls for fresh brewed coffee in the batter as well as the icing…(can life get better than that!?) Of course, we used fresh ground whole bean for our brew. Also, we topped our cupcakes with chocolate shavings instead of coconut, because we don’t like to follow directions all the way. Too bad I can’t email a sample to everyone who reads this… 🙂


2012 – personal reflection + a collection of my favorite work

self portrait with Mamiya 645 Pro captured on Tri-X and self developed

Up to Now

2012 has indeed been exciting. I’ve spent much time this year redefining my artistic vision, exploring a vast array of different topics of study in the sciences as well as the arts, self-developing over thirty rolls of film, and in the latter part of the year, deciding how to begin to add high quality cinematography services to the package lineup.