film fuji 400h Personal


colorful detail image of a tulip in the springtime on fuji

spring is here for real

fuji superia Personal

happy first day of summer!

it’s finally here.

film look daisies summer flowers

food Personal

mocha cupcakes – valentines day

vsco portra 400 cupcake making on valentines day

For Valentines Day this year my wife and I made cupcakes together…well, my wife made cupcakes, and I helped a little, and made lots of photos of the process. The recipe we used was from My Baking Addiction. It calls for fresh brewed coffee in the batter as well as the icing…(can life get better than that!?) Of course, we used fresh ground whole bean for our brew. Also, we topped our cupcakes with chocolate shavings instead of coconut, because we don’t like to follow directions all the way. Too bad I can’t email a sample to everyone who reads this… 🙂

104 Experiment Personal

104 Experiment – Image Number 003 – Doors



massanutten mountain after a storm in the evening with full colors with a perspective rendering lens 28mm

I always hate being stuck somewhere during a storm that prevents me from fully experiencing the power of nature. On May 23, 2012, I had to deal with just that. We finally returned around 8:15pm to catch this sight from our backyard and it just goes to illustrate how doors being closed can open up new and better doors for an artist. My camera battery died right after I made this photo. If I had been able to photograph during the storm, I wouldn’t have had the battery left to capture this.

exposure time: 1/40

f-number: f/5.6

ISO speed: 320

focal-length: 28mm

equipment: Canon 5D and Canon 28mm f/2.8 USM

software: Adobe Lightroom


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Have a great week!